Thursday, April 28, 2011

The First February

 There's been an idea blobbin' around my mind for probably two months now. This idea is "The First February".
Now, while I don't see myself becoming a musician anytime soon (or anytime far(anytime in general, really)), I have too many ideas for music than should be ignored. I have a Gaia account with an online journal where I keep a ton of these random tidbits. I've decided maybe I'll compile them and make a few songs with Audacity in my right hand and a dreamer's mind vomit in the left.
 I have recorded raw vocals for two different songs: "Miss You The Most" and one that I might call "Liquids of Life". 
"Miss You the Most" only has a written chorus so far, but I've already found a good tune to it on piano and the vocals for what I've written sound about right.
"Liquids of Life" is a short track, but it's all written. I need to re-record some vocals and find piano parts, but other than that it's finished.
 Since I love whoever went through all this eccentric writing of mine, I guess I may as well just say I'll try my best to get a rough track done of at least one of my songs done by next week. If I manage to conquer the terrible fate of procrastination and lack of opportunities, then I'll post it on here next week.
 That's right. I'm letting complete strangers listen to me sing.
Why not take another little chance?

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