Friday, May 20, 2011

Too Many Lists

So yup. No post last week. Sorry about that (as if anyone even noticed). Moving on.

I like lists. There's some part of me that organizes anything and everything. Give me a packet of Skittles, you'll probably find me sorting them by color, making the numbers of colors even, and eliminating the deformed ones first because I have issues THAT BAD. That's just another one of my OCD things.
Lists just seem so... Easy to read to me. Simple. I have a ton of lists I haven't gotten to writing down anywhere, so I just decided to take my chance now.

Favorite words:
  • Ebony
  • Iridescant
  • Lullabies
  • Reverie
  • Nostalgia (it always reminds me of noses)
  • Always
  • Wonderstruck (it's in a song I like, therefore, it is a word)
  • Wondrified (I made it up, so what?)
  • Enchanted
  • Forever
  • Symphony
  • Euphony
  • Dawn
  • Swim
  • Ebb
  • You
  • Us
  • Dream
  • Heart
  • Awkward
  • Lovely
  • Everywhere
  • Him
  • Her
  • He
  • She
  • Love
Places I want to visit:
  • Scotland and/or Ireland
  • Salar de Uyuni
  • A black hole
  • Mars
  • Alaska in northern lights season
  • The Palm Islands and the Burj Al Arab
Bad habits I have:
  • Biting my nails
  • Getting upset too easily
  • Being horrible to the people I love
  • Making too many lists
  • Crying for no reason
  • Laziness in general
Irrational desires that probably will never happen:
  • Fly. Actually fly. Not skydive or bungee jump. Fly.
  • Meet Adam Young
  • Publish a novel
  • Be inspirational
  • Be told I'm beautiful by someone that really means it
  • Have a first love that loves back (it's personal, stupid, and weird, but true)
Sad songs:
  • Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
  • Silhouettes by Swimming With Dolphins
  • Brielle by Sky Sailing
  • Wherever You Are (Winnie the Pooh version)
  • I Live Alone by Sky Sailing
  • Lonely Lullabye by Owl City
  • Rejection of any kind
  • Ants
  • Not being able to move
  • Being underwater (or at least my eyes or nose underwater)
  • What I'll become
Personality disorders I have too many symptoms of to ignore:
  • Avoidant
  • Schizotypal
  • Dependant
  • Obsessive-Compulsive
Things I'll never forget:
  • How lonely I felt when I couldn't sleep that night
  • When he hugged me for the first time
  • When the pastor called out to me: "You don't have to be alone"
  • My father's stubble on my face when he kissed me goodnight
  • The panic and happiness when I got baptized
  • The feeling of him when he slept on my shoulder
  • His face when he broke down right in front of me    

    1 comment:

    Ruth Key said...

    Nostalgia always made me think of my nose, too :) When you visit the black hole, mind if I come too? it would make a great story