Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Just Like Riding a Bicycle

 Remember when you sat down on your first bicycle without the training wheels? When your pudgy little toes tiptoed across the blacktop while you were on the scariest vehicle you'd ever piloted? That moment where - for the first time in your life - your wide eyes boggled as you went way too fast and were flung headlong into the shrubs? Alright, maybe that last one was just me. But you get where I'm going with this.
 You felt so proud of yourself. You did it. You finally did it. It was all you. And never in the wildest dreams did you ever think a year before that you would. Even now I don't understand why riding a bike is so easy.
 Today I realized I'm much farther along with something than I ever thought I would be. Of course I dreamed of it, but it seemed so far fetched that even though technically it was perfectly possible, it could simply never be done. But lo and behold,
I did it.
 Then again, I may have had this itching right under my troublesome old nose all along, but if I did, I wouldn't let myself believe it. I am, after all, terribly doubting of myself. But once someone shows it to you, shows it and really means it, then you my friend have gotten yourself a lovely little package somewhere between dream and reality. The stuff inside tastes like rainbows and sunshine.
 And as I realized what I had finally obtained today, a sheer knowledge of my new placement in someone's life, a cascade of memories and dreams and heartaches and tears and fears and mountains and valleys and the so on came crashing over me before I had the chance to just say "WOAH."
 And the funny thing is, I didn't make a friend today. Today I realized I made a friend. Just to know someone cares, even though I already kind of knew they did, makes a huge difference to me. They may never know just how much this all means to me, but someday I hope I have a chance to show them. I've been surprising myself a lot lately, saying things I normally wouldn't and told people things I've kept secret for a long time. It's all collected enough dust in my mind that it deserved to finally show itself. I wonder if a year from now all my secrets will just become funny stories and I'll have a whole new set to deal with. It wouldn't be the first time.
After all, it's just like riding a bicycle.

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