Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Zone

 Ever felt like you want to sleep and be awake at the same time? Like you want to sing and be silent? Dance and be still?
 I was just at Generation Unleashed. It's a lot like a gigantic youth group service. Really moving. I suggest looking into it for any youth that wants Jesus. When I first walked in, I saw all the people and felt my heart rate raise and my breath quicken. I think it's needless to say I'm not good with people. They make me nervous. And we're talking HUNDREDS OF THEM surrounding me.
 But once worship started, I felt a lot better. In the presence of something bigger than yourself, you can really only bathe in its beauty. There's no more room for fears or precautions. You're in the zone. Nobody can prepare you for it, and you can't run away. It's the ultimate and you know you want more and more and more of it.
  It's been a long day and I feel like I really need to call it a night now and let myself collapse in the best sleep I'll ever get, but there's a word to be put out.
 There's a valley behind every mountain, no matter how stormy or steep.
 Don't assume your whole life will be spent in the alps, longing for the sun.
 I have.
 And it's not pleasant.

 Maybe someday all the climbing will pay off, yes?
I think we both know it will.

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