Tuesday, July 5, 2011

That Awkward Moment

 Somewhere between lack of inspiration, laziness, and overall scarcity of the ability to update, I've spent the last 11 days incognito (or at least as Matrill, the legal identity was visible).
 So now I get back on here and I see something I never see. Comments
Well, I get one like every six weeks or so. But that's clearly not a lot to crow about.
And now I've decided since there are probably fewer than thirty people that actually will read this whole post thingy, I guess I can single people out all I want.
 Sometime in the later half of 2010 (I seriously don't even remember when) I stumbled upon a blog credited to the author Dyanova. This happened because I'm an avid reader of the Owl City blog, of which he commented on. Out of what I guess was completely random curiosity, I followed the link to the blog.
 I still don't remember what made me talk, but I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the post I read there was something written among the lines of it being sort of a ghost town of a blog where nobody visits but those who are encouraged to do so. Being the weird person that wanted to give off a warm fuzzy that could have easily come off as an awkward slimy, I replied in some way containing the idea like "Well hey, I found it... And... It's nice."
 I don't even know.
Anyway, now that I've returned from some weird unannounced hiatus and Dyanova's been trying to contact me. And I'm happy that there's actually someone out there that kinda cared. At least a little.
Is it sad that I'm waaaaay more friendly, polite, extroverted, and sociable on the internet when I'm using a made up name? Probably. Oh well.
So yeah. It's nice to know that... Well, that you even remembered me. Or checked out my blog. You know.
Aaand I hope this isn't too weird.


Dyanova said...

oh my gosh, i'm so happy you replied me... i was kinda sad thinking you wouldnt reply me and all... but finally you did :)... well... and the weird thing is, i'm just like you haha, much more sociable on the internet... idk why... it's like... it's like on here you dont have to be the self that people already have a fixed impression of. here, it's like you're free to show your inner self. or at least, that's how i feel.

so... you gonna add me on fb? i was so hoping you'd like add me or something then we could talk... it's not easy to talk on a blog :/ so what do you say?

Matrill said...

Wow, I didn't realize till now I can comment on my own blog XD
Anyways, I'd be happy to add you. Just be aware that... Well, Matrill's not my real name, so it wouldn't actually be that. So when you get some random friend request it's actually me.