So my mind gets off track a lot. I think that's been established. You could keep me in physical science or geometry all day; I'm just going to be imagining what the world would be like from a bird's eye view (Google Earth isn't good enough). My desire to fly will probably have me jumping off a cliff during a psychotic episode someday. Oh well. Dreamers gonna dream.
Anyway, before I got off track from my topic of being off track, I was going to tell you how I'm getting way too philosopher-ish with my wondering. Currently, my focuses have ranged from "What is life?" to "What is existance?" and many of the other forever unsolved mysteries of the universe. The slightly easier ones were coming to me back in the fall of last year. Those were in the natures of "What do people consider intelligent? Is it the ability to retain knowledge, a high amount of retained knowledge, making good decisions, or a combination?"
I'm not a normal teenager.
Out of nowhere, I feel compelled to tell you of the misfortunes I endure every time someone I don't know holds a door for me.
Imagine you held a door open for someone. You expect them to say "Thanks.", right?
Enter my world. The word "thanks" is loosely translated to "I am glad that you have acknowledged something positively." Unless if it's said sarcastically, in which case it means "You have dishonored the privilege of life."
Whenever a stranger holds a door for me, I don't really think it's necessarily in the right, considering my very strange self-esteem views. I wish you could turn down door-holdings the way you can with an offer of a seat. Every time, all I can do is mutter "THANKS." and run through the door before they can look back at me.
Am I really the only one that sees the entire Earth move so peacefully in that natural harmony? It's almost as if the trees have their own breath while they dance along the breeze. Even the overcast sky shines brighter than a dim indoor ceiling. If I could reach out a million miles and touch the farther reaches my night sky, it would be like flying. The reason I love flying so much is... Well, just think of it like this:
Think of all the land in the world. More than you can ever stand on. No human has ever touched all of the corners and in-betweens of the planet. Now think of all of the oceans added to that. There's far more of water than land covering the Earth. Now think of that multiplied by about 10,000 feet of height to achieve.
When you fly, you can touch all of that.
There is no limit and every possibility. Being like this makes me feel like I'm stuck on the ground. A mermaid wishes for feet, a human wishes for wings, and a bird wishes for french fries.
It's quite a sick world, right?