Friday, March 11, 2011


  As quoted by multiple individuals and as copy-quoted by many more:
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! ---------- Wait, I don't get it."
We've all done it. Maybe it's because the things that are so routine to us are often completely meaningless and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. There are many things that seem totally normal to almost everyone that I still tilt my head at. Like..
-Why do people brush their teeth before breakfast? First of all, your cereal will taste like mint mixed with that nasty morning-spit taste in it and your orange juice will be about as good as fermented. 'Nuff said already.
Not only that, but the bacteria you just brushed off will just grow right back with whatever's left in your teeth.
-What's the point of earrings? When did the idea of metal shoved through one's earlobes become intriguing?
Just... What?
-There's no reason for an automatic soap dispenser. Did anyone ever consider that maybe, even if it was all grubby, that the pump of a soap dispenser is touched before the soap itself, therefore any impurities on the pump would be washed away almost immediately? Just think about it.
-Why do we do such crazy stuff with our hair? I mean, it's just keratin growing out of our scalps, not clay for a sculpture.
-Who ever thought of kissing? Like, REALLY? How does that express affection? A hug makes sense because you're holding someone close to you. And if just pushing your mouth onto someone else's wasn't weird enough, why did people have to start sucking each others faces? It's SICK. 
  Maybe it's just me that gets confused from the world. My mind works far differently from any normal one. Is the world this strange to everyone else too?
Allow us to move onto pictures of inanimate objects with faces on them.
 The ice cream lid man laughs. Haha.
Happy face.
Unhappy face.
 ...And this is lint as a sixteenth note. Enjoy.

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